Thesis projects and open positions

Open position:

  • I have a vacancy for a Tenure Track position in my group.
  • There is currently no open PhD position. If you are interested in doing MSc thesis work with me, please contact me, or check this page.

Current projects (Postdoc/PhD/MSc)

Daily supervision:

  • Robin Klein, Computational fluid dynamics for CO2, with TU Delft (Ruud Henkes, Rene Pecnik, Pedro Costa)
  • Pardeep Kumar, Simulation of CO2 in pipeline transport, with TU Delft and Shell (Ruud Henkes, Patricio Rosen Esquivel)
  • Henrik Rosenberger, Discretize first, reduce next: a new approach to closure modeling, NWO Vidi.
  • Toby van Gastelen, Structure-preserving neural networks, NWO-Groot project UNRAVEL, with TU/e and Leiden.
  • Syver Agdestein, Discretize first, reduce next: a new approach to closure modeling, NWO Vidi; with Groningen (Roel Verstappen).
  • Jurriaan Buist, Modelling multiphase flow in pipelines with the two-fluid model; with Svetlana Dubinkina, Kees Oosterlee and Ruud Henkes.


  • Nikolaj Mücke, Digital twins for pipeline leak detection; with Kees Oosterlee, Sander Bohté, and Shell.

Previous student/thesis projects